
Below you will find a wealth of information concerning patents, trademarks, and copyrights–from educational materials to business development resources. Also, download our mobile app, “PBAC Connect” now available on iOS and Android. This mobile app is a free resource for innovators to connect to free: educational materials, business development resources, events, and an on-ramp to the local eco-system for owning and commercializing ideas. This is a wealth of free information concerning patents, trademarks, and copyrights–all at your fingertips.

Free IP Lawyers?

Patent Pro Bono Program for independent inventors and small businesses

Inventors and small businesses that meet certain financial thresholds and other criteria may be eligible for free legal assistance in preparing and filing a patent application. The Patent Pro Bono Program is a nationwide network of independently operated regional programs that match volunteer patent professionals with financially under-resourced inventors and small businesses for the purpose of securing patent protection. Each regional program provides services for residents of one or more states.

  • Inventors

    If you are new to patenting, PBAC encourages you to complete The Inventor’s Patent Academy, a free online learning course. You will learn first-hand from inventors and listen to their stories about how they successfully navigated the patenting process register for the course today!

    The USPTO provides inventor resources and links to the regional programs on its website. You can find that information by clicking the button below.

  • Volunteer Patent Agents & Attorneys

    Agents and attorneys interested in volunteering may also visit the USPTO Patent Pro Bono page to connect to their regional program.

Educational Materials

Discover learning resources for inventors. From sessions from past Pathways To Inclusive Innovation to free e-learning courses created to help people understand patenting and to equip them to apply for their own patents.

Musa Sulejmani

Musa is the creative genius behind the highly popular and innovative "No More Waiting In Line" mobile app, designed to let restaurant patrons know, in advance, how long they have to wait for a table at their favorite restaurants. Musa could not afford a patent attorney to protect his software invention, but through our program, he was matched with a pro-bono attorney and obtained a patent.

Business Development

Business development assistance for inventors may be obtained from the Minority Business Development Agency of the US Department of Commerce, the Small Business Administration, and from Small Business Development Centers conveniently located throughout the United States. Fore more information on those and other business development resources, click “get started” below.